User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Wireless LAN Array
2 Introduction
Throughout this User’s Guide, the Wireless LAN Array is also referred to as the
XS-3900, or simply the XS. In some instances, the terms product, unit, array, or
Xirrus array are also used. When discussing wireless network environments in
which the XS is employed, the most commonly used reference is the system.
The Xirrus Wireless Management System (XM-3300) and the Xirrus Remote DC
Power System (XP-3100) are referred to as the XM-3300 and XP-3100, or XM and
XP respectively.
About this User’s Guide
This User’s Guide provides detailed information and procedures that will enable
wireless network administrators to install, configure and manage the Xirrus array
so that end users can take full advantage of the product’s features and
functionality without technical assistance.
Topics and procedures are organized by function under the following chapter
z Introduction
Provides a brief introduction to wireless technology, an overview of the
product, including its key features and benefits, and presents the product
z Installing the XS-3900
Defines the prerequisites for deploying and installing the XS-3900 and
provides instructions to help you plan and complete a successful
z The Web Management Interface
Offers an overview of the product’s embedded Web Management
Interface, including its content and structure. It also emphasizes what
you need to do to ensure that any configuration changes you make are
applied, and provides a list of restricted characters.