User's Manual Part 2

Wireless LAN Array
Configuring the Xirrus Array 125
Procedure for Creating Network Administrator Accounts
1. New Admin ID: Enter a meaningful description for this new network
administrator ID.
2. Privilege Level: Choose Read to restrict this administrator ID to read
only status, or choose Read/Write if you want to give this administrator
ID full read/write privileges. In the read only mode, administrators
cannot save changes to configurations.
3. Admin Password: Enter a password for this ID.
4. Verify Password: Re-enter the password in this field to verify that you
typed the password correctly. If you do not re-enter the correct password,
an error message is displayed).
5. Click on the Create button to add this administrator ID to the list.
Editing Network Administrator Accounts
6. Admin ID: Choose the administrator ID you want to edit or delete from
the list. If you are deleting the selecting administrator ID, click on the
Delete button, otherwise go to Step 7.
7. Privilege Level: Choose Read to restrict the selected administrator ID to
read only status, or choose Read/Write if you want to give this
administrator ID full privileges.
8. Admin Password: Enter the password for the selected administrator ID.
9. Verify Password: Re-enter the password in the right field (this field must
match the Admin Password field).
10. Click on the Modify button to apply the new settings to this session.
11. Click on the Save button to save your changes (otherwise your new
settings will not take effect).