User's Manual Part 2

Wireless LAN Array
136 Configuring the Xirrus Array
Procedure for Configuring Syslog
1. Enable Syslog Server: Choose Yes to enable Syslog functionality, or
choose No to disable this feature.
2. Server IP Address: If you enabled Syslog, enter the IP address of the
Syslog server.
3. Syslog Server Level: Choose the level of Syslog
reporting from the pull-down list. Levels
z Emergency
z Alerts
z Critical
z Error
z Warning
z Notification
z Information
z Debug
The default level is Information.
4. Maximum Syslog Records: Enter a value in this field to define how many
syslog records are processed (up to a maximum of 500).
5. Click on the Apply button to apply the new settings to this session.
6. Click on the Save button to save your changes (otherwise your new
settings will not take effect).