User's Manual Part 2

Wireless LAN Array
176 The Command Line Interface
led_activity Set IAP led behavior based on certain conditions
beacon Blink an IAP led when a beacon is transmitted
tx_data Blink an IAP led when a data frame is transmitted
rx_data Blink an IAP led when a data frame is received
tx_mgmt Blink an IAP led when a management frame is
rx_mgmt Blink an IAP led when a management frame is
broadcast Blink an IAP led when a broadcast frame is
probe_req Blink an IAP led when a probe request is received
assoc Blink an IAP led heartbeat when stations are
beacon-rate Time between beacons in kilo-microseconds (Kusec)
beacon-dtim Beacons between Delivery Traffic Indication
Messages (DTIM)
all_down Shut down (disable) all IAPs
all_up Bring up (enable) all IAPs
short-retries Short retry limit
long-retries Long retry limit
inactive-time Time that an AP tracks an inactive station
reauth-period Time between 802.1x re-authentication attempts
rogue_detect Enable/disable rogue AP detection on IAP abg2
on Enable rogue AP detection
off Disable rogue AP detection
add Add SSID to rogue database
del Delete SSID from rogue database
approved Mark SSID as approved (stop reporting and
known Mark SSID as known (stop reporting but display
with an *)
list List rogue database
cellsize Cell size setting
small Small cell size
medium Medium cell size
large Large cell size
rx-threshold Deferred threshold
tx-power Maximum transmit power