User manual

You cannot locate a file.
_ Have you typed the correct filename? Do you need a particular
filename extension (for example, .DOC or .PIC)? Do you need to
specify a path (a drive and/or a directory)?
_ Try using the F
ind command, which can be found from the Start
menu on the bottom of the Windows desktop.
_ Verify the contents of the disk by using the chkdsk utility. See your
operating system manual for further information.
_ If the file is on a floppy disk, is the disk properly inserted in the
floppy disk drive? Check that the shutter on the floppy disk moves
freely (3½ inch only).
_ If something is stuck in the drive (such as a floppy disk label) pull it
out gently if you can. Do not insert a screwdriver or anything
similar into a disk drive. If you have a problem, contact a qualified
service engineer for advice.
_ If you have another notebook with the same application installed,
copy the file from one notebook to the other and try again.
You cannot save a file.
_ Are you working on a network and trying to save the file to a
location to which you have no "write" access?
_ Are you trying to save a file that is read only. See your operating
system manual for further information.
Forgotten Passwords
If you forget your password, you will need to ring the RM helpline or
return your notebook to RM to be reset. This reset is not covered
by your warranty agreement.
Since RM will need to ensure you are the owner, you may need to
provide some further identification, to prevent unauthorised access
to your notebook.