User`s guide

User’s Guide MADI Router © RME 13
7.2 Detailed Input Status
While in the status display, rotating or pushing the [IN] encoder immediately activates
the 'Inspect Input' screen. This page shows the detailed status of an input port selected
by turning the [IN] encoder. Information about all other ports including routing is hidden
in order to allow a dedicated focus on the selected input port. Pressing either encoder
exits the detailed view and returns to the main status display.
In this detailed view of the input status, the following information is displayed for each
physical MADI input port:
Lock | Invalid | No signal
Lock: a MADI signal is detected and has been present for a minimum of
1 second.
Invalid signal: a signal is detected but it violates MADI (AES10)
No signal: no signal is detected for more than one second.
Rate: 32 kHz 192 kHz
Shows the sampling rate of the MADI input:
32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz in 48k frame mode
88.2kHz, 96kHz in 96k frame mode
176.4kHz, 192kHz in a non-standard 192k frame (experimental)