User`s guide

User’s Guide MADI Router © RME 19
7.3.2 Inspecting a matrix
In order to inspect a matrix, follow the steps above to access the matrix first.
1. The matrix is displayed as a horizontal bar in the middle of the display.
The bottom row shows a blue cursor that moves along the matrix outputs
when the [OUT] encoder is rotated.
Only one patch is shown at a time. To get an overview of all the patches,
use the [OUT] encoder to browse through all output channels.
By default, audio channels extracted from any physical input port are
patched in groups of eight channels, and the first channel of the group is
displayed on the left of the cursor. This grouping is useful for most
routings, however the grouping can be changed as described in Chapter
2. The grey cursor in the upper row reflects the current source for the patch.
In the picture above, channels 17-24 from optical input “A” are sent to
channels 1-8 of Matrix 1, which is then sent to optical output “A”.