User`s guide

User’s Guide MADI Router © RME 23
Example 4: Uninterrupted thin line
Thin lines reflect the so-called 1:n state. This means that for the duration
of the thin line, each output channel receives its signal from the exact
same input channel.
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
Input 4
Input 64
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
Output 64
Example 5, 6: Interrupted thin line
Interruptions in the thin line simply show a break in the 1:n process, such
Input 2
Input 4
Output 1
Output 32
Output 33
Output 64
Example 7: Combinations of thick and thin lines
This routing indicator shows that channels 1-8 and 17-32 receive their
signals from consecutive inputs, whereas channels 9-16, 33-40, 41-48
and 49-64 each receive their signals from the same source channel.
As mentioned above, rotating the [OUT] encoder displays quickly which
channels are routed to the selected outputs.