User`s guide

User's Guide HDSPe MADIface © RME
Buffer Size
The setting Buffer Size determines the latency between incoming and outgoing ASIO and GSIF
data, as well as affecting system stability (see chapter 13/14). GSIF and WDM can be set from
32 to 512 samples. Above 512, only ASIO is affected.
WDM Devices
Not before Vista the OS had been capable
to handle more than 32 WDM stereo de-
vices. Therefore under W2k/XP it often
makes sense to intentionally limit their
System Clock
Shows the current clock state of the HDSP
system. The system is either Master (using
its own clock) or Slave (see AutoSync Ref).
Clock Mode
The unit can be configured to use its inter-
nal clock source (Master), or the MADI
input signal (AutoSync).
Defines the format of the MADI output sig-
nal. MADI can be a 56 or 64 channel sig-
96 kHz
Sample rates higher than 48 kHz can be
transmitted using the normal 48K Frame,
or using a native 96K Frame at the card's
Input Status
Displays the state of the current input signal:
Channel format (64 or 56 channels)
Frame format (48K or 96K)
Sample rate (measured)
SyncCheck (No Lock, Lock, Sync)
SyncCheck serves as simple check and display tool of the current clock situation. It indicates
whether there is a valid signal (Lock, No Lock), or if there is a valid and synchronous signal
(Sync) at the MADI input.
This tab includes information about the driver and the card’s firmware version.
Lock Registry uses a password to prevent changes of the settings stored in the registry. All
settings are still changeable temporarily. As the settings are always loaded from the registry
when starting the computer, this method provides an easy way to define a specific initial state of
the HDSP system.