User Manual

User's Guide HDSP AES-32 © RME
Clock Mode
Sample Rate
Sets the currently used sample rate. Offers a central and comfortable way of configuring the
sample rate of all WDM devices to the same value, as since Vista the audio software is no
longer allowed to set the sample rate. However, an ASIO program can still set the sample rate
by itself.
During record/playback the selection is greyed out, so no change is possible.
Clock Source
The unit can be configured to use its own clock (Internal = Master), or one of the input signals
(Word, Sync In, AES, TCO). If the selected source isn't available (Input Status No Lock), the
unit will change to the next available one (this behaviour is called AutoSync). If none is available
then the internal clock is used. The current clock source is displayed as Current.
More information on Pitch is available in chapter 11.2.
TMS activates the transmission of Channel Status data and Track Marker information from the
AES/EBU input signal.
Word Clock Out
The word clock output signal usually equals the current sample rate. Selecting Single Speed
causes the output signal to always stay within the range of 32 kHz to 48 kHz. So at 96 kHz and
192 kHz sample rate, the output word clock is 48 kHz.
Output Format
Double Speed: Sample rates in the range of 64 kHz to 96 kHz can also be transmitted using the
standard 48K frame. Note that when selecting Double Wire the number of output channels is
reduced to 8.
Quad Speed: Sample rates in the range of 128 kHz to 192 kHz can also be transmitted using
either the standard 48K frame, or the 96K frame. Note that when selecting Double Wire the
number of output channels is reduced to 8. When selecting Quad Wire the number of remaining
output channels is 4.
For further details about the settings Professional, Emphasis and Non-Audio, please refer to
chapter 23.2.
Input Status
SyncCheck indicates whether there is a valid signal (Lock) for the inputs Word Clock, AES 1 to
8, TCO and Sync In, or if there is a valid and synchronous signal (Sync). Each input has its own
frequency measurement and display of the input signal's current sample rate.
The tab About includes two more, global options:
Lock registry
Default: off. Checking this option brings up a dialog to enter a password. Changes in the Set-
tings dialog are no longer written to the registry. As the settings are always loaded from the
registry when starting the computer, this method provides an easy way to define an initial state
of the HDSP AES-32.
Optimize Multi-client Mixing
Default: on. Unchecking this option might solve compatibility problems in seldom cases, but will
also introduce short noise burst when multi-client playback starts.