User Manual

User's Guide Fireface UC © RME
26.2 The User Interface
The visual design of the TotalMix mixer is a result of its capability to route hardware inputs and
software playback channels to any hardware output. The Fireface UC provides 18 input chan-
nels, 18 software playback channels, and 18 hardware output channels:
TotalMix can be used in the above view (View Options 2 Rows). However, the default is a verti-
cal alignment in three rows as known from an Inline desk, so that the row Software Playback
equals the Tape Return of a real mixing desk:
Top row: Hardware inputs. The level shown is that of the input signal, i. e. fader independ-
ent. Via fader and routing field, any input channel can be routed and mixed to any hardware
output (bottom row).
Middle row: Playback channels (playback tracks of the audio software). Via fader and routing
field, any playback channel can be routed and mixed to any hardware output (third row).
Bottom row (third row): Hardware outputs. Here, the total level of the output can be adjusted.
This may be the level of connected loudspeakers, or the necessity to reduce the level of an
overloaded submix.
Usage in mode Submix View (Default): simply click on the hardware output channel where
you want to have an audio signal. This channel turns brighter, means it is selected as current
submix. Now move the faders up from all sources - input and playback channels - that you want
to hear at the submix output.
The following chapters explain step by step all functions of the user interface.