User Manual

User's Guide HDSPe MADI FX © RME
10. Driver and Firmware
10.1 Driver Installation
To simplify installation it is recommended to first install the drivers before the card is built into
the computer. But it will also work the other way round.
Insert the RME Driver CD into your CD-ROM drive. The driver installer is located in the directory
\HDSPe FX. Start rmeinstaller.exe and follow the instructions of the installer. After the HDSPe
MADI FX has been installed correctly (see 5. Hardware Installation), and the computer has
been switched on, Windows will detect the new hardware as HDSPe MADIface FX and install
the drivers automatically.
After a reboot, the icons of TotalMix FX and Settings dialog appear
in the notification area.
Driver Updates do not require to remove the existing drivers. Simply install the new driver over
the existing one.
10.2 De-Installing the Drivers
A de-installation of the HDSPe driver files is not necessary – and not supported by Windows
anyway. Thanks to full Plug & Play support, the driver files will not be loaded after the hardware
has been removed. If desired these files can then be deleted manually.
Unfortunately Windows Plug & Play methods do not cover the additional autorun entries of To-
talMix, the Settings dialog, and the registration of the ASIO driver. Those entries can be re-
moved from the registry through a software de-installation request. This request can be found
(like all de-installation entries) in Control Panel, Software. Click on the entry 'RME HDSPe FX
10.3 Firmware Update
The Flash Update Tool updates the HDSPe MADI FX to the latest firmware version. It requires
an already installed driver.
Start the program hdspe_fx_fut.exe. The Flash Update Tool displays the current revision of the
HDSPe MADI FX, and whether it needs an update or not. If so, then please press the 'Update'
button. A progress bar will indicate when the flash process is finished. The bar moves slowly
first (program), then faster (verify).
If more than one interface card is installed, all cards can be flashed by changing to the next tab
and repeating the process.
After the update the PCI Express card needs to be reset. This is done by powering down and
shutting off the PC. A warm boot is not enough!
To reduce the time needed for the flash process the tool updates only the parts of the firmware
that are present in a newer version. The option Flash All forces the tool to update all parts.
When the update fails (status: failure), the card's second BIOS will be used from the next cold
boot on (Secure BIOS Technology). Therefore the card stays fully functional. The flash process
should then be tried again on a different computer.