User Manual

User's Guide HDSPe MADI FX © RME
Buffer Size
The setting Buffer Size determines the latency between incoming and outgoing ASIO and WDM
data, as well as affecting system stability (see chapter 13.1). While ASIO can use any offered
buffer size, WDM is limited to 256 (XP) or 512 samples (Win 7/8). The driver handles this auto-
matically, higher settings are only applied to ASIO while WDM will stay at 256/512 internally.
WDM Devices
Allows to freely set which I/Os are available as WDM devices, if these are stereo or multi-
channel devices (up to 8 channels), and if one or multiple of the currently active WDM devices
should have the Speaker property. More details are found in chapter 11.2.
Clock Mode
Sample Rate
Sets the currently used sample rate. Offers a central and comfortable way of configuring the
sample rate of all WDM devices to the same value, as since Vista the audio software is no
longer allowed to set the sample rate. However, an ASIO program can still set the sample rate
by itself.
During record/playback the selection is greyed out, so no change is possible.
Clock Source
The unit can be configured to use its own clock (Internal = Master), or one of the input signals
(Word, MADI, AES, Sync In). If the selected source isn't available (No Lock), the unit will
change to the next available one (this behaviour is called AutoSync). If none is available then
the internal clock is used. The current clock source is displayed as Current.
More information on Pitch is available in chapter 11.4.
Output Format
The channel status of the AES output signal can be set to Consumer or Professional. For fur-
ther details please refer to chapter 23.2.
MADI 1/2/3
Defines the format of the MADI output signal. MADI can be a 56 or 64 channel signal.
96 kHz
The word clock output signal usually equals the current sample rate. Selecting Single Speed
causes the output signal to always stay within the range of 32 kHz to 48 kHz. So at 96 kHz and
192 kHz sample rate, the output word clock is 48 kHz.
MADI 1/2/3
Sample rates higher than 48 kHz can be transmitted using the normal 48K Frame, or using a
native 96K Frame at the card's output.
EQ+D for Record
Switches EQ and Dynamics of all input channels into the recording path. In case Loopback has
been activated the EQ and Dynamics of the Output channel are within the recording path. See
also chapter 27.5.
Word Clock In Term.
Checking this option terminates the word clock input internally with 75 Ohms.