User Manual

User's Guide HDSPe MADI FX © RME
Special Settings for Envelope and Gated
High Cut. Low-pass filter after the reverb generation. A reduction of the treble often lets the
reverb sound more natural. Adjustable from 5 kHz up to 20 kHz.
Attack. Length of time for the volume increase of the reverb signal. Also called rise time. Ad-
justable from 5 ms up to 400 ms.
Hold. Length of time for the fixed volume part of the reverb signal. Adjustable from 5 ms up to
400 ms.
Release. Length of time for the volume decrease of the reverb signal. Adjustable from 5 ms up
to 400 ms.
Special Settings for Classic
Reverb Time. Sets the duration of the reverb referenced to a volume drop of 20 dB. Adjustable
from 0.1 s up to 9.9 s.
High Damp. Sets the treble damping over time for the reverb signal. In principle, this is a low-
pass filter. Because of the operation principle of the Classic reverb it shows a slightly different
behaviour. Adjustable from 5 kHz up to 20 kHz.
Echo. Activated by the On button.
Type. Lists different echo algorithms for selection. Available are:
¾ Stereo Echo. Separated echo generators on left and right channel. As a result the echo
follows the sound source within the stereo field.
¾ Stereo Cross. Echo generator on left and right channel with cross coupled feedback which
is only working for the stereo parts of the input signal. In case the input signal is only left or
right the Stereo Cross acts exactly like the Pong Echo.
¾ Pong Echo. Generates an echo that jumps between left and right channel, independent
from the source signal’s stereo position.
Delay Time. Sets the delay time for the first echo.
Feedback. Feedback to produce further echoes.
Width. Adjusts the stereo width of the echo signal from 100 (stereo) to 0 (mono).
Volume. Adjusts the level of the echo effects signal sent to the FX return bus.