User Manual

User's Guide HDSPe MADI FX © RME
25.8.2 MIDI Page
The MIDI page has four independent settings for up to four MIDI remote controls, using CC
commands or the Mackie Control protocol.
Select one of four settings pages and thus remote controls. Settings are remembered automati-
cally. To activate or deactivate any of the four remote controls check or uncheck ‘In Use’.
MIDI Remote Control
¾ MIDI In. Input where TotalMix receives
MIDI Remote data.
¾ MIDI Out. Output where TotalMix
sends MIDI Remote data.
¾ Disable MIDI in background.
Deactivates MIDI Remote Control as
soon as another application is in the
focus, or when TotalMix has been
Mackie Control Options
¾ Enable Protocol Support. When
disabled TM FX will only react on the
Control Change commands of chapter
¾ Map Stereo to 2 Mono Channels.
One fader controls one (mono)
channel. Should be disabled when
stereo channels are used.
¾ Submix Selection in Input/Playback
Row. Enables a selection of the
submix when in first row, without
having to change to the third row first.
However, when using both mono and
stereo channels, first and third row
usually do not match anymore, so the
selection often becomes unclear this
¾ Enable full LCD support. Activates full Mackie Control LCD support with eight channel
names and eight volume/pan values.
¾ Send User defined Names. Channel names defined by the user will be sent to the remote
device via MIDI and – if supported – shown in its display.
¾ Send Level Messages. Activates the transmission of the level meter data. Peak Hold acti-
vates the peak hold function as set up for the TotalMix level meters in the preferences.
: When MIDI Out is set to NONE then TotalMix FX can still be controlled by Mackie Control
MIDI commands, but the 8-channel block is not marked as remote target.