User Manual

User's Guide MADIface XT © RME
7.3 Tab Global (PCI Express Mode)
This tab includes several options that work on all currently installed cards.
Lock Registry
Default: off. Checking this option brings up a dialog to enter a password. Changes in the Set-
tings dialog are no longer written to the registry. As the settings are always loaded from the
registry when starting the computer, this method provides an easy way to define an initial state
of the MADIface XT.
Optimize Multi-Client Mixing
Default: off. Checking this option
removes short noise bursts when multi-
client playback starts, but will also
introduce some additional CPU load.
Enable MMCSS for ASIO activates
support with higher priority for the ASIO
driver. Note: At this time, activating this
option seems to be useful only with the
latest Cubase/Nuendo at higher load.
With other software this option can
decrease performance. The change
becomes active after an ASIO reset.
Therefore it is easy to quickly check
which setting works better.
ASIO 32 Channel Limit
Default: off. Checking this option limits
the number of ASIO I/Os to 32.
Reducing the number of ASIO channels
is required for older versions of
ProTools to prevent them from crashing
on start-up.
Change Card Order
This dialog lists all cards currently installed in the system and controlled by the driver. Their
order can then be changed by selecting a card and using the up/down arrows. Confirm the op-
eration with the Apply button. This feature comes in handy if different cards are installed and a
specific one of them should always be the first in the ASIO channel list.
At the end of the card info line the current firmware version is shown (Revision).