User Manual

User's Guide MADIface XT © RME
13.3 Firmware Update
The Flash Update Tool updates the MADIface XT card to the latest firmware version. It requires
an already installed driver.
Start the program HDSPe FX Flash Update or RME USB Series Flash Tool. The Flash Up-
date Tool displays the current revisions inside the XT, and whether it needs an update or not. If
so, then simply press the 'Update' button. A progress bar will indicate when the flash process is
finished. The bar moves slowly first (program), then faster (verify).
After the update the MADIface XT needs to be reset. This is done by powering down the XT for
a few seconds. A reboot of the computer is not necessary.
To reduce the time needed for the flash process the tool updates only the parts of the firmware
that are present in a newer version. The option Flash All forces the tool to update all parts.
When the update fails (status: failure), the card's second BIOS will be used from the next cold
boot on (Secure BIOS Technology). Therefore the card stays fully functional. The flash process
should then be tried again on a different computer.