User Manual

User’s Guide DMC-842 © RME
10.10 Analog Output (Ao)
Default: 42
Available settings: 42, oP
This option relates to the use of the I64 MADI Card. In default state (42 = Mic) the XLR input
signal is available at the analog outputs. Selecting oP (Option) an eight-channel group of the
MADI input signal is sent to the analog outputs. With this the MADI connection can also be used
as return path. Sending audio via MADI to the DMC-842, the audio becomes available at the
DMC-842’s analog outputs. The MADI output continues to carry the XLR input signals and the
fed-through input data.
: The 8-channel group sent to the analog outputs is defined by the currently chosen ID.
10.11 Gain (GA)
Default: Au
Available settings: Au, 42, IF
Changing the gain can be performed by the microphone (in case the microphone supports this
feature) or in the DMC-842. Per default (Au) the DMC-842 reacts on the information received
from the microphone. When this feature is supported the DMC-842 switches off its gain control.
The choice can also be done manually. Selecting the setting 42 (AES42) the gain stage of the
microphone is used, provided it has one. With the setting IF (Interface, means DMC-842) the
gain stage of the DMC-842 is used exclusively. In this case a gain of 0 dB is sent as AES42
control data to the microphone.
10.12 Control Pulse (Cp)
Default: On
Available settings: On, Off
The DMC-842 uses so called Control Pulses to send control commands to the microphone.
These can be switched on and off per channel by the SELECT keys. With activated Control
Pulses (On) the PAR LED is lit.
: When DPP is switched off the Control Pulses are automatically deactivated.
10.13 Sync Pulse (SP)
Default: On
Available settings: On, Off
The control of the sample frequency in Mode 2 is done by the use of so called Sync Pulses.
These can be switched on and off per channel by the SELECT keys. With activated Sync
Pulses (On) the PAR LED is lit.
: When DPP is switched off the Sync Pulses are automatically deactivated.