
3. Air transportation (IAIAIA): It is not regulated by IAIA.
XIII. Regulation Information
1. Applicable Regulations: Safe use of chemicals in the workplace, and relevant
provisions are made for safe use, production, storage and
transportation, transportation, handling and other aspects of chemical dangerous
2. Chemical warehouses:
MITI: All ingredients are included in ENCS or other exemptions.
AICS: One or more ingredients are not listed or exempted.
TSCA: All chemical constituents in this article are listed in the TSCA Chemicals
Catalogue or exempted from the TSCA Chemicals Catalogue.
KECL: No one or more ingredients are listed or exempted or confirmed.
EINECS: Not determined.
DSL: The chemical constituents in this article are not listed in the DSL chemical
substances list.
XIV. Other information
1. This product is developed and manufactured for industrial use only. For medical
or other special applications, the product shall be used after performing the test
and meeting the safety standards. It cannot be used for human
implantation, transplantation and other aspects. Residues may have an impact on the
2. Other information (address, telephone, website information) is for reference only.
User's Note: This information does not belong to the scope of the manual. But to
provide representative and valuable concepts, the recommended industrial
hygiene and safety procedures in this paper firmly believe that they meet the
requirements. Reading this information will help to understand the
characteristics of the product and the matters needing attention in its use.
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