Operation Manual

MMI of CLR-2860UMP
The alarms are defaulted to 0:00,
The radio is switched off
It then switches to auto-run mode
Default back light automatically set to dim from 23:00 to 05:59
2 How to setup the device:
When Radio is Off (Auto-Run Mode), Press <MODE|Stop> once go to different mode sequentially
Auto-run Mode with Clock display
1. Set the Clock
2. Set the Date
3. Set the SDA
4. Set update switch
5. Set dimmer work Mode
6. Set auto dimmer timer switch
7. Set start time of auto dimmer
8. set end time of auto dimmer
9. Set Display mode (12/24 hour)
In clock display mode with Power OFF, the user can select alternative display for clock and date. For
details, please refer to the section of selecting alternative display.
In frequency display mode, the frequency of the radio station being received is displayed together with the
band goes solid in the display
Press <AL1> to review/set the alarm-1 when Power Off
Press <AL2> to review/set the alarm-2 when Power Off
Only when the radio is ON, press <MEMORY>, <Preset +> or <Preset -> and then <MEMORY> again to
store the current station into memory.
Only when the Power ON, press <Vol.+> and Vol. -> to adjust speaker volume
When the radio is ON, press <AMS> to store preset memory automatically for the current user.
At every minute boundary, the real time clock is compared with the alarm setting if it has been enabled.
For details, please refer to the section of ‘When alarm is active’
Note: The Radio will active in background for time update at the 3.00 & 5.00 AM
2.1 How to set the clock:
2.1.1 Press <Mode|Stop > once when the unit stays in clock display mode
2.1.2 The clock goes flashing
2.1.3 The second keeps counting up once per second
2.1.4 Press <UP> to advance the clock by 1 minute
2.1.5 Press <Down> to move the clock back by 1 minute
2.1.6 Press and hold <UP> or <Down> to set the clock in fast mode of 10 minutes per step