User's Manual Part 4

38 | en
f Audiobook:
Select a chapter from an available audio-
book. Only the chapters of the selected
audiobook are subsequently played.
f Podcast:
Select an episode from an available podcast.
Only the episodes of the selected podcast
are subsequently played.
f Video:
Select an episode from an available video.
Only the episodes of the selected video are
subsequently played.
7.5.2 Selecting titles
f Tap the desired main category c.
The corresponding list items are displayed.
To scroll through the main categories,
touch the tab row.
f Tap the desired subcategory, if applicable
f To scroll through list items, touch
the list area and swipe up or down.
f A subcategory can contain further
To return to a parent category, tap
up e.
f Tap the desired title f.
Playback begins.
To display the respective media dis-
play, tap a.
7.5.3 Closing the browser without
selecting a title
f Tap a.
The current media display is displayed.
8 Navigation
This function is only available if the
device is equipped with a navigation
If your device is not equipped with a
navigation system you may be able to
retrofit the navigation function (see the
section entitled “Retrofitting the navi-
gation function” (page 55)). Please
contact your Suzuki dealer regarding
Road safety
f The usage of the navigation system
does not absolve the driver of the
responsibility of a correct and vigi-
lant attitude. The relevant traffic
regulations must always be fol-
lowed. If a navigation instruction
contradicts traffic regulations, the
traffic regulations always apply.
f The route guidance provided by the
device may not be completely accu-
rate. Ensure that all driving manoeu-
vres are legal and safe in order to
avoid accidents.
f Some areas – one-way streets,
entrances and other pedestrian
zones, where vehicle entry is pro-
hibited – may not be marked on the
Playing media | Navigation