User's Manual

JOBNAME: 1485166-2014-l2k-nav PAGE: 29 SESS: 4 OUTPUT: Tue Jun 11 14:46:07 2013
Traffic control and regulation data used in this
map data may be different from those in use at
the time this map data is used. When driving,
follow the actual traffic control signs and no-
tices on the roads.
Reproducing or copying this map software is
strictly prohibited by law.
This navigation system should not be
used to replace your own judgement.
No itinerary suggested by this navi-
gation system should ever override
any freeway regulations, your own
judgement, or a knowledge of safe
driving practices. Do not follow the
navigation system’s suggested itin-
erary if it would cause you to perform
a dangerous or illegal act, place you
in a dangerous situation, or take you
into an area you consider unsafe.
The advice provided by the navigation
system is to be regarded as a sugges-
tion only. There may be times when
the navigation system displays the ve-
hicle’s location incorrectly, fails to
suggest the shortest route, or fails to
direct you to your desired destination.
In such instances, rely on your own
judgement taking into account the
driving conditions at the time.
Do not use the navigation system to
locate emergency services. The data-
base does not contain a complete
listing of emergency services such as
police stations, fire stations, hospi-
tals and walk-in clinics. Please show
discretion and ask for directions in
such instances.
As the driver, you alone are respon-
sible for your driving safety.
In order to avoid a traffic accident,
do not operate the system while
In order to avoid a traffic accident,
operate the system only when the
vehicle is stopped at a safe place
and the parking brake is on.
In order to avoid a traffic accident
or traffic offence, remember that
actual road conditions and traffic
regulations take precedence over
the information contained on the
navigation system.
The software may contain inaccu-
rate or incomplete information
due to the passage of time, chang-
ing circumstances, and the
sources of information used.
Please respect current traffic con-
ditions and regulations at all
times while driving.
Where actual road conditions and
highway regulations differ from
the information contained on the
navigation system, abide by the
highway regulations.
Keep the amount of time spent
viewing the screen while driving to
a strict minimum.
The navigation system does not provide, nor rep-
resent in any way information on: traffic and
highway regulations; technical aspects of the ve-
hicle including weight, height, width, load and
speed limits; road conditions including grade,
percentage of incline and surface conditions;
Map settings 3-13
2014 Low Cost Navi 2 Kai (l2k)
Navigation System OM—USA_English (nna)