User Manual

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R2-Ecouter un CD (XNX - Renault)ENG_NX_843-1_NX_Renault_1
Specifications of readable
Only files with an MP3/WMA extension
will be read; other files (compressed
files, WAV files, etc.) will not be recog-
Note: some protected files (copyright)
cannot be read.
Note: to ensure that folder and file
names are easy to read, we recom-
mend that you use names with fewer
than 32 characters, and avoid the use
of special characters.
CD maintenance
To protect its readability, never expose
a CD to heat or direct sunlight.
To clean a CD, use a soft cloth and
clean from the centre towards the edge
of the CD.
As a general rule, refer to the CD man-
ufacturer's advice concerning mainte-
nance and storage.
Note: some scratched or dirty CDs
cannot be read.
Inserting a CD
Refer to the Section entitled “Precautions
during use”.
Check that there is no CD in the player,
then insert the CD with the printed side
To listen to a CD that is already in the
player, press 3 or 13 to select the CD
player source.
Ejecting a CD
Eject a CD from the front of the player
by pressing 8.
Note: if an ejected disc is not removed
within 20 seconds, it will automatically
be reinserted into the CD player