User's Manual

LMPL20 • 19
1. Install the correct leg set for the pipe wishing to be installed
2. Place the pipe laser into the last section of pipe and ensure that the LMPL20 is positioned at the right
rotation and direction. Review the steps to ensure level and direction.
3. Place the pipe target in the last section of pipe to install ensuring the target is also positioned so that it
is level using the level vial on the target mount.
4. Using the included Remote Control or the LMPL20 keypad, guide the pipe laser beam so that it is in the
center of the target. You may use the remote control from the position of the end target to guide
the beam.
This will ensure accuracy in set up and allow one person to set the LMPL20 up for use. By using the LMPL20
keypad, it may be necessary to have a person at both the LMPL20 and target in order to guide the laser beam to
the center of the target.
Refer to section of Preparing LMPL20 for use for additional set up information.
Grade Checking (Fig. 31)
In order to ensure that you are laying pipe at the correct grade, it may be necessary to check pipe grade to
ensure that the laser has been set for the appropriate grade and line. This should be completed after
approximately 25 to 50ft (8 to 15m) pipe has been installed.
1. Utilizing an Automatic Level or Level Transit, measure a reference elevation at starting point
A. (See Figure 31)
2. Measure the elevation at ending point B with the level or level transit
3. Determine the elevation of pipe end point B in the same manner.
4. Using the standard Rise over Run X 100 calculation you can easily determine the grade.
Take (A-B) = Rise
Take Horizontal Distance = Run
((A-B)/Hz Distance) X 100 and you will have the grade of the installed sections.
If your measured grade does not match the intended grade, please review your initial laser or target set up to
ensure accurate LMPL20 set up.