User manual

8. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the duration hour digits are
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.
10. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the duration minute digits
are highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select
11. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.
12. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the station is highlighted
on display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.
13. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required station.
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.
14. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit
back a menu or screen.
continued on next page