User Manual

Table Of Contents
Torque Mode Description
Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual 161
Closed Loop
Torque Mode
This section describes the controller’s operation in Torque Mode.
Torque Mode Description
The torque mode is a special case of closed loop operation where the motor command
controls the current that flows through the motor regardless of the motor’s actual speed.
In an electric motor, the torque is directly related to the current. Therefore, controlling the
current controls the torque.
Motor Amps
PID Motor
FIGURE 13-1. Torque mode
Torque mode is mostly used in electric vehicles since applying a higher command gives
more “push”, similarly to how a gas engine would respond to stepping on a pedal. Like-
wise, releasing the throttle will cause the controller to adjust the power output so that the
zero amps flow through the motor. In this case, the motor will coast and it will take a neg-
ative command (i.e. negative amps) to brake the motor to a full stop.