User Manual

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Commands Reference
192 Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual V2.0, July 8, 2019
SX - Next Velocity
Alias: NXTVEL HexCode: 17 CANOpen id: 0x2014
This command is used in Position Count mode. It is similar to S except that it stores a ve-
locity value in a buffer. This value will become the next velocity the controller will use and
becomes active upon reaching a previous desired position. If omitted, the command will
be chained using the last used velocity value. See Position Command Chaining in manual.
Syntax Serial: !SX cc nn
Syntax Scripting: setcommand(_SX, cc, nn)
setcommand(_NXTVEL, cc, nn)
Number of Arguments: 2
Argument 1: Channel
Min: 1 Max: Total Number of Motors
Argument 2: Value Type: Signed 32-bit
Min: -500000 Max: 500000
cc = Motor channel
nn = Velocity value
VAR - Set User Variable
Alias: VAR HexCode: 06 CANOpen id: 0x2005
This command is used to set the value of user variables inside the controller. These vari-
ables can be then read from within a user MicroBasic script to perform specific actions.
The total number of variables depends on the controller model and can be found in the
product datasheet. Variables are signed 32-bit integers.
Syntax Serial: !VAR nn mm
Syntax Scripting: setcommand(_VAR, nn, mm)
setcommand(_VAR, nn, mm)
Number of Arguments: 2
Argument 1: VarNbr
Min: 1 Max: Total nbr of User Variables
Argument 2: Value Type: Signed 32-bit
Min: -2147M Max: 2147M
nn = Variable number
mm = Value