User Manual

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Runtime Queries
Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual 213
CAN = dd1:dd2:dd3: ... :dd10 Type: Unsigned 16-bit Min: 0 Max: 255
ee = Byte in frame
dd1 = Header
dd2= Bytecount
dd3 to dd10 = Data0 to data7
R: CAN=5:4:11:12:13:14:0:0:0:0
Q: ?CAN 3
R: CAN=11
CB - Read Absolute Brushless Counter
Alias: BLCNTR HexCode: 05 CANOpen id: 0x2105
On brushless motor controllers, returns the running total of Internal sensor (Hall, SinCos,
Resolver) transition value as an absolute number. The counter is 32-bit with a range of +/-
2147483648 counts.
Syntax Serial: ?CB [cc]
Argument: Channel
Min: 1 Max: Total Number of Motors
Syntax Scripting: result = getvalue(_CB, cc)
result = getvalue(_BLCNTR, cc)
CB=nn Type: Signed 32-bit Min: -2147M Max: 2147M
cc = Motor channel
nn = Absolute counter value
CF - Read Raw CAN Received Frames Count
Alias: CF HexCode: 28 CANOpen id:
This query is used to read the number of received CAN frames pending in the FIFO buf-
fer and copies the oldest frame into the read buffer, from which it can then be accessed
using the ?CAN query. Sending ?CF again, copies the next frame into the read buffer. The
controller can buffer up to 16 CAN frames