User Manual

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DS402 Runtime Queries
Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual 247
Result: Value Type: Signed 32-bit
cc = Motor channel
nn = Target position
PSP – Profile Velocity (DS402)
Alias: PSP HexCode: 5D CANOpen id: 0x6081
Read the configured velocity in RPM.
Syntax Serial: ?PSP [cc]
Reply: PSP=nn
Syntax Scripting: nn = GetValue(_PSP, cc)
Argument: Channel Type: Unsigned 8-bit
Min: 1 Max: Total number of motors
Result: Value Type: Unsigned 16-bit
cc = Motor channel
nn = Profile velocity
RMP – VL Velocity Demand (DS402)
Alias: RMP HexCode: 62 CANOpen id: 0x6043
Read the instantaneous velocity in RPM generated by the ramp function. Positive values
shall indicate forward direction and negative values shall indicate reverse direction.
Syntax Serial: ?RMP [cc]
Reply: RMP=nn
Syntax Scripting: nn = GetValue(_RMP, cc)
Argument: Channel Type: Unsigned 8-bit
Min: 1 Max: Total number of motors
Result: Value Type: Signed 32-bit
cc = Motor channel
nn = Velocity in RPM