User Manual

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Analog, Digital, Pulse IO Configurations
Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual 295
PMINA - Action on Pulse Min
HexCode: 24
This parameter selects what action should be taken if the minimum value that is defined
in PMIN is reached. The list of action is the same as these of the DINA digital input ac-
tions. Embedded in the parameter is the motor channel(s) to which the action should
Syntax Serial: ^PMINA cc (aa + mm)
~PMINA [cc]
Syntax Scripting: setconfig(_PMINA, cc, aa)
Number of Arguments: 2
Argument 1: InputNbr
Min: 1 Max: Total Number of Pulse Inputs
Argument 2: Action
Type: Unsigned 8-bit
Min: 0 Max: 255
Default: 0 = No action
cc = Pulse input number
aa =
0: No action
1: Safety stop
2: Emergency stop
3: Motor stop
4: Forward limit switch
5: Reverse limit switch
6: Invert direction
7: Run MicroBasic script
8: Load counter with home value
mm = mot1*16 + mot2*32 + mot3*48
PMOD - Pulse Mode Select
HexCode: 1D
This parameter is used to enable/disable the pulse input and select its operating mode,
which can be: pulse with measurement, frequency or duty cycle. Inputs can be measured
with a high precision over a large range of time or frequency. An input will be processed
and converted to a command or a feedback value in the range of -1000 to +1000 for use
by the controller internally.
Syntax Serial: ^PMOD cc nn
~PMOD [cc]