User Manual

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Motor Configurations
Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual 3 11
KP - PID Proportional Gain
HexCode: 2E
Sets the PID’s Proportional Gain for that channel. The value is set as the gain multiplied
by 10^6. This gain is used in all closed loop modes. In Torque mode, on brushless conton-
trollers, the FOC’s PID is used instead and this parameter is used for the speed limiting
Syntax Serial: ^KP cc nn
Syntax Scripting: setconfig(_KP, cc, nn)
Number of Arguments: 2
Argument 1: Channel
Min: 1 Max: Total Number of Motors
Argument 2: Gain Type: Unsigned 32-bit
Min: 0 Max: 2,000,000,000 Default: 0
cc = Motor channel
nn = Proportional Gain *1,000,000
^KP 1 1500000: Set motor channel 1 Proportional Gain to 1.5.
Do not use default values. As a starting point, use P=2, I=0, D=0 in position modes (includ-
ing Speed Position mode). Use P=0, I=1, D=0 in closed loop speed mode and in torque
mode. Perform full tuning after that.
MAC - Motor Acceleration Rate
HexCode: 33
Set the rate of speed change during acceleration for a motor channel. This command
is identical to the AC realtime command. Acceleration value is in 0.1*RPM per second.
When using controllers fitted with encoder, the speed and acceleration value are actual
RPMs. Brushless motor controllers use the internal sensor (Hall, Sin/Cos or Resolver)
for measuring actual speed and acceleration will also be in actual RPM/s. When using
the controller without speed sensor, the acceleration value is relative to the Max RPM
configuration parameter, which itself is a user-provide number for the speed normally
expected speed at full power. Assuming that the Max RPM parameter is set to 1000, and
acceleration value of 10000 means that the motor will go from 0 to full speed in exactly 1
second, regardless of the actual motor speed. If value is set to 0 then the command ramp
is by-passed.