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Commands Reference
318 Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual V2.0, July 8, 2019
Syntax Scripting: setconfig(_MXTRN, cc, nn)
Number of Arguments: 2
Argument 1: Channel
Min: 1 Max: Total Number of Motors
Argument 2: Turns
Type: Signed 32-bit
Min: 10 Max: 100000
Default: 10000 = 1000.0 turns
cc = Motor channel
nn = Number of turns * 10
^MXTRN 1 2000: Set max turns for motor 1 to 200.0 turns
OVH - Overvoltage hysteresis
HexCode: 42
This voltage gets subtracted to the overvoltage limit to set the voltage at which the over-
voltage condition will be cleared. For instance, if the overvoltage limit is set to 500 (50.0)
and the hysteresis is set to 50 (5.0V), the MOSFETs will turn off when the voltage reach-
es 50V and will remain off until the voltage drops under 45V
Syntax Serial: ^OVH nn
Syntax Scripting: setconfig(_OVH, nn)
Number of Arguments: 1
Argument 1: Voltage
Type: Unsigned 8-bit
Min: 0 Max: 255 = 25.5V
Default: 50 = 5.0V
nn = Volts *10
^OVH 45 : Sets hysteresis at 4.5V
Make sure that overvoltage limit minus hysteresis is above the supply voltage.