User Manual

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Magnetic Guide Sensor Connection and Operation
74 Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual V2.0, July 8, 2019
Accessing Sensor Information
Once enabled, the pulses are sent continuously by the sensor 100 times per second. The
pulses are captured and parsed by the motor controller as they arrive. A real time mirror
image of sensor data is then present inside the controller. From there the sensor informa-
tion can be read using serial, USB, CAN or MicroBasic scripts like any other of the control-
ler’s operational parameters.
The following Motor Controller queries are available for reading the captured sensor data.
Magnetic Sensor
?MGD Read tape detect
?MGT nn Read left track when nn= 1 or right track when nn= 2
?MGM nn Read left marker when nn=1 or right track when nn= 2
Flow Sensor
?FLW nn Read X Counter in mm when nn= 1 or Y Counter in mm when nn= 2
Battery Management System
?BMC Read BMS State Of Charge in AmpHours (Ah)
?BSC Read BMS State Of Charge in per cent
?BMF Read BMS status flags
?BMS Read BMS switch states
Details on these commands can be found in the Commands Reference section of this
Connecting Multiple Similar Sensors
More than one similar sensors can be connected to a single motor controller. For Magnet-
ic sensors, this can be useful in AGV designs that must be able to move in the forward
and reverse direction along with the guide. Connecting multiple sensors can be done by
connecting each sensor to one of the available pulse input, as shown in the figure below.
Pulse In 1
Pulse In 2
Pulse In n
7-30V Supply
Motor Controller
FIGURE 5-2: Connecting multiple sensors to a motor controller