User Manual

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Motor Operating Features and Options
92 Advanced Digital Motor Controller User Manual V2.0, July 8, 2019
Closed Loop Count Position
In this mode, an encoder is attached to the motor as for the Speed Mode of Figure
7-8. Then, the controller can be instructed to move the motor to a specific number of
counts, using a user-defined acceleration, velocity, and deceleration profile. Details
on how to configure and use this mode can be found in “Closed Loop Count Position
Mode” on page 151. On brushless motors, the hall sensors can be also be used for posi-
tion measurement.
Position Counte
Position Feedback
Position Command
FIGURE 7-8: Closed Loop Count Position mode
Closed Loop Position Tracking
This mode uses the same feedback sensor mount as this of Figure 7-9. In this mode, the
motor will be moved until the final position measured by the feedback sensor matches
the command. The motor will move as fast as it possibly can, using maximum physical
acceleration. This mode is best for systems where the motor can be expected to move as
fast as the command changes. Details on this operating mode can be found in “Closed
Loop Relative and Tracking Position Modes” on page 141.
-1000 to +1000
Position Command
Position Sensor
-1000 to +1000 Feedback
FIGURE 7-9: Closed Loop Position Tracking mode
Torque Mode
In this closed loop mode, the motor is driven in a manner that it produces a desired
amount of torque regardless of speed. This is achieved by using the motor current as of
the feedback. Torque mode does not require any specific wiring. The detail on this operat-
ing mode can be found in “Closed Loop Torque Mode” on page 157.