User Manual

- 21 -
Using WiNRADiO G303
Tuning to a Frequency
To change frequency, simply type the new frequency into the keyboard. As
soon as you press a digit or decimal point, the frequency display will
activate, waiting for a frequency to be typed. You can also click on the
display to type in a new frequency. After typing the new frequency, press
Enter and the receiver will instantly retune. To abort, press Esc.
To enter units, such as kHz or MHz, simply press H for Hz, K for kHz or M
for MHz after entering the digits. Any invalid keystrokes are ignored.
Frequencies outside the receiver limit (9 kHz to 30 MHz) will not be
accepted and the display will revert to the previous frequency.
WiNRADiO G303 Receiver Frequency Display
The up and down buttons under the individual digits make it possible to
quickly step up or down the frequency in the corresponding positions. (The
little slider buttons between the buttons can be used for faster adjustment.)
Under these buttons there is a band description window. This shows the
band allocation of the currently tuned frequency. These band descriptions
are based on those applicable to North America. However, these
allocations are based on international treaties and therefore are generally
applicable worldwide.
Note that the default band allocation can be overridden with a call sign or a
user-defined description of a frequency stored in memory. The default band
description is also user modifiable: it resides in the file bands.csv in the
WiNRADiO installation folder. This file can be edited using a spreadsheet
application, such as Microsoft Excel.