User Manual

WiNRADiO G3XX User’s Manual
Incremental Tuning Pad
This unique tuning tool is located above the Tuning Knob. If the mouse is
positioned above one of the coloured squares, the square lights up and the
associated tuning increment value appears:
Clicking on the square with the left mouse button results in increasing the
frequency, clicking with the right mouse button will decrease the frequency.
There are several convenient tuning increments to choose from: 1 Hz, 10 Hz,
100 Hz, 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 6.25 kHz, 8.33 kHz, 9 kHz, 10 kHz, 12.5 kHz and 25
Tune To Peak
The Tune to Peak function can be invoked by pressing the TTP button. The
receiver will tune to the signal peak (provided the peak falls inside the selected
IF bandwidth – the highlighted area of the real-time frequency spectrum).
Depending on the location of the peak and type of signal, it may take several
seconds for the receiver to tune in accurately, by a successive approximation
In the FM mode, the Tune to Peak function will work correctly, i.e. tune to the
centre of the signal, even though the sidebands may be higher than the carrier
In LSB and USB modes, the success of this facility will depend on the type of
modulation signal. It may be useful for certain types of data modulation (fax),
but is not usually recommended for voice modulation.