User Manual

WiNRADiO G3XX User’s Manual
The zoom in and out buttons change the displayed signal bandwidth
in 2 kHz steps, while trying to keep the central red marker as close as possible
to the center of the spectrum display. Using the zoom buttons, the displayed
bandwidth can be changed from the default 20 kHz down to 4 kHz, making it
possible to observe small details of the received spectra less than 20 Hz apart.
Setting and Adjusting IF Bandwidth
The receiver IF bandwidth can be set in several ways. The quickest way is to
use the IF bandwidth presets represented by the row of buttons at the bottom
of the demodulator window:
The numbers on the buttons represent bandwidth in kHz.
The preset frequencies change according to the mode
All these frequencies can be changed by the user, for
each mode, using a table of IF bandwidth presets
accessible via the demodulator Setup button.
There are 15 presets, associated with the 15 preset
Clicking on the actual number in the Bandwidth column
makes it possible to edit the IF bandwidth value
associated with each button. The button label will then
also change accordingly. Each modulation mode has its
own set of IF bandwidth presets.
To change the IF bandwidth continuously, you can use
the IF bandwidth control in the demodulator panel: