User Manual

WiNRADiO G3XX User’s Manual
Auto-increment file name - each time the record button is pressed, a number
just before the “.wav” extension, and “.if” for IF files, is incremented; if there is
no initial number, 1 is automatically used first.
Normally, the recording does not depend on the squelch. However, if the
option Pause if below squelch is activated, the recording will pause
The path and the file names for audio and IF recording can be both manually
edited or configured using a dedicated dialog box shown by clicking on the
Browse button. The audio and IF file names are correlated, the only difference
being the ".if" used before the ".wav" extension.
The file names can contain "wildcards" which make it possible to include date,
time, frequency, etc., inside the name of the file. The following wildcards are
#D - system date (in YYYYMMDD format)
#T - system time (in HHMMSS format)
#F - frequency in MHz (6 decimals)
#M - mode - ("AM","AMN","AMS","DSB","USB","LSB","ISB","CW","FMN")
#N - serial number of the receiver
For example, the following is an acceptable file name, where the date, time
and frequency will be included:
myfile #d #t #f.wav
Recoding is also possible while the receiver is scanning and searching for
stations. To take advantage of this feature, enable Pause if below squelch,
set up a file name which includes the #F frequency wildcard, and start
scanning. Depending on the scanning parameters, the receiver will then record
the intercepted station audio or IF samples to “wav” files. For example,
if Pause if signal appears is enabled, and the Pause delay is set to 10
seconds, then samples of 10 seconds each will be recorded – see the
Scanner Configuration chapter for more information.