User Manual

WiNRADiO G3XX User’s Manual
IF Gain Control
The AGC can be turned off using the AGC Off button. The
receiver gain must then be adjusted manually. This is done using
the IF Gain control.
Note that by setting an excessive gain, the receiver will overload
and the demodulated signal will be distorted, which can be very easily
observed in the real-time spectrum scope. On the other hand, if the gain is too
low, it will make the receiver appear “deaf”.
Manual IF Gain setting is very useful when hunting for
very weak signals buried in noise. The IF Gain control is
only enabled when the AGC is switched off.
The gain can be adjusted in three ways: by typing the
value directly in the edit box, by using the up and down
buttons, or by dragging up or down the centre slider
RF Gain Control
The Attenuator, when enabled, makes it possible to reduce the receiver
sensitivity by 18 dB. The Preamplifier, when disabled, reduces front-end gain
by further 12 dB.
By attenuating the input signal and/or reducing the front-end
preamplifier gain, the sensitivity of the receiver is reduced to
avoid overloading by strong signals (e.g. from local broadcast
If sensitivity appears poor, please make sure that the attenuator is disabled
and the preamplifier is enabled.