User's Manual

Table Of Contents
WiNRADiO G39DDC User’s Guide
A simple dialog box makes it then possible to specify the file path and name
into which the logging will be made (in the CSV format) and the logging period.
While the Logger is running, normal operation of the receiver is not possible.
Elapsed time is shown in the Logger window and this is also where the logging
task can be stopped. Once logging is stopped and the Logger window closed,
the receiver operation returns back to normal.
The last item (except Help) in the top bar menu is Plugins. Like many
WiNRADiO products, the Excelsior has the capability to integrate with
WiNRADiO’s XRS (Extensible Radio Specification) plug-ins that can extend
the receiver’s capability in many respects.
These can include various general-purpose enhancements related to particular
user-interface functions, as well as additional demodulators and other signal
processing facilities. It is also possible for users to write their own special
application plug-ins.
For more information about XRS plug-ins, please refer to