User's Manual

Table Of Contents
WiNRADiO G39DDC User’s Guide
To select a frequency, double-click on an item in the list on the right, and the
frequency will be tuned. Then close the window.
Editing Memory
To change the settings for a particular frequency, click on the Edit button, or
select Edit from the right-click menu:
A window will open showing the current settings. All settings can be edited.
After the entry has been edited, click on OK.
Deleting a Frequency
To remove a frequency, click on the Recall button first. Select the frequency
you wish to delete, and click on the Delete button at bottom right (alternatively,
select Delete from the right-click menu). You will be asked to confirm that you
wish to delete this frequency from memory.
To delete all frequencies in a particular folder, click on the Delete button at
bottom left (under the folders). You will be asked to confirm that you want to
clear all the frequencies in the folder.
Viewing User Memory
To see the entire user memory structure, you can use either the Recall button,
or the equivalent function Show user memory under the Memory top bar
menu. The User memory window will open.