User's Manual

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WiNRADiO G39DDC User’s Guide
Zoom Spectrum
Each spectrum scope includes Zoom buttons .
Use the two zoom buttons to zoom in and out of the spectrum this is a useful
feature for observing frequency peaks in close detail, for example where
stations are very close to one another. When the spectrum window is zoomed,
you can use the bottom slider to conveniently navigate to a portion of the
spectrum that you wish to inspect.
To restore the original scale and reset the zoom, use the 1:1 button
The Spectrum centering button
, when used in the DDC1 and DDC2
spectrum scopes, shifts the spectrum so that the demodulated frequency is in
the center of the spectrum display (or as close as possible). In the wideband
spectrum, this button shifts the spectrum so that the DDC1passband will be as
close to the wideband display center as possible.
Save Spectrum
The Save button makes it possible to save the displayed spectrum as an
image file. The BMP image file type is used.
Resolution Bandwidth
The RBW control alters the Resolution bandwidth of the spectrum scopes; in
other words it specifies the amount of detail that will be visible in the spectrum.
A low RBW value provides a greater detail, a higher value results in a
smoother trace. The resolution bandwidth control is similar in functionality to
that available in high-performance spectrum analyzers.
Please note that average CPU load may rise with finer RBW settings. The
saved waterfall spectrum files (which are also of the BMP image type) are also
significantly larger with finer RBW values.