User's Manual

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Not selecting the Recording input line correctly (which will manifest itself
by the absence of any signal appearing in the spectrum scope);
Failing to mute the Volume control line (which will result in listening to
the high-pitched 12 kHz intermediate frequency sound superimposed on
the demodulated signal);
Failing to adjust the signal input level properly, which may result either in
low (or no) audio output, or, on the other hand, distortion if the signal
level is too high.
Getting Started
There is often a degree of understandable impatience when exciting new
equipment such as a new WiNRADiO receiver is acquired. The following
fast-forward introduction makes it possible for you to start using your new
acquisition as quickly as possible. Detailed operation is described in the
subsequent chapter
Using WiNRADiO G3 SERIES Receiver
. We hope you
will return to that chapter, as the WiNRADiO G3 SERIES receiver has many
fine features which it would be a shame to miss.
Start the WiNRADiO G3 SERIES receiver application (double clicking on the
WiNRADiO icon). The WiNRADiO G3 SERIES receiver control panel will
appear as shown in the next page.
Did you know?
The first shortwave transmission across the Atlantic was accomplished by
six US radio-amateurs on December 11, 1921. The message was picked up
by a Scottish radio-amateur. This achievement sparked a period of intensive
research and development which led to wide-spread use of short waves.
(Before then, it was believed that frequencies over 1.5 MHz were useless.)