User's Manual

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The rotation increment of the tuning knob is 0.5 kHz. This can be changed
easily using the Shift, Ctrl or Alt keys: If you press the Shift key while tuning,
the increment will increase ten times (to 5 kHz). Pressing Ctrl will increase
the increment a hundred times (50 kHz). On the other hand, if you use the
Alt key, the increment becomes ten times finer: 50 Hz.
If you are still unable to tune to any stations at this point, please refer to
Appendix A - Troubleshooting
There are also several other ways to tune the WiNRADiO receiver other
than typing the frequency or using the tuning knob. These will be explained
in detail in the
Using WiNRADiO G3 SERIES Receiver
Connecting the Antenna
Your WiNRADiO G3 SERIES receiver comes with a start-up antenna
consisting of a 3-meter length of coaxial lead-in cable, with an additional 3
meters of insulated wire. The thinner, insulated wire at the end is the actual
antenna. The lead-in cable is necessary for the antenna to be as far away
from the PC as possible, to reduce interference from the PC.
Please note that this start-up antenna is supplied for immediate gratification
only and is not intended to replace a good shortwave antenna.
The best placement of the start-up antenna depends on your actual
situation, and will often involve some experimentation. However, the basic
rule is simple: Place the antenna as close to the window as you can, and
keep the active part of the antenna as far away from the PC, and other
electronic and electrical devices, and metal objects, as possible.
Did you know?
The first commercial shortwave station was Radio Luxembourg. It was the
first station to target areas outside of its own country with programs in other
languages. For most of the 20th century, this was the most powerful
shortwave station in Europe.