User's Manual

- 20 -
makes it possible to reduce the receiver sensitivity by 18 dB
(i.e. 6 times).
Why would you ever need to reduce the sensitivity? This is because
unusually strong signals from local stations may occasionally cause
overloading. This overloading can make the reception worse, and even
cause stations to appear on frequencies, where none exist (
Appendix C -
Dealing with Interference
for more information on this
If a received signal is too strong, causing overloading, distortion or the
appearance of ghost stations, you should reduce its level by pressing the
Attenuator button.
Squelch Control
Squelch control
can be used to mute the receiver when no signal is
being received. Without a signal, all you will usually hear is noise. Squelch
is provided to cut out the noise until a station is found, making the receiver
more comfortable to use.
Squelch Control and Squelch Defeat Button
The squelch setting controls the signal level at which muting occurs. Muting
will occur when the signal level drops below the squelch level. When a
signal of a higher level returns, the sound will be restored immediately.