M100RAK Robotic Arm Kit Assembly Guide

M100RAK V3 - Assembly Guide
Add the servo extension cables, ensuring the connectors are yellow to yellow, red to red and black to black.
Should the servos not be centered, you can loosen the clamp collars and adjust the sub-assemblies, or
remove and adjust the horn gears
Replace the servo horn screws
An RC servo controller is needed to drive the servos. There are many available on RobotShop.com
A 4.8V to 6V power supply, capable of at least 5A needs to be used to power the servos. Many wall
adapters and battery packs are available on RobotShop.com
A selection of grippers are available on RobotShop.com
You are free to change the configuration to suit your application. Below is just one alternative style: