
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
void loop(void)
int leftspeed = 255; //255 is maximum speed
int rightspeed = 255;
analogWrite (6,255);
analogWrite (5,255);
Q. Can I operate the 6x cool blue LEDs from the software?
Yes and no: the six LEDs are all connected to one another and therefore cannot be operated independently. This
having been said, a digital pin can be connected to jumper 13 (figure 1) and the other pin header to GND on the
Arduino. Ensure you have the right orientation.
Q. Is there sample code for the 2.0 Mecanum or 2.0 Omni using all four encoders?
Not at this time.
Q. Is there sample code for the Autonomous kit using all sensors at once?
Sort of. The Autonomous kit uses the Compound Eye, which is also used in the Adventure Robot from Dagu.
There is sample code for the Adventure Robot, but it needs to be modified slightly since the DFRobotShop
Rover uses DC gear motors rather than servo motors for propulstion, and an ultrasonic sensor rather than IR
sensors for obstacle avoidance.
Yes, but the six LEDs are all connected together and therefore cannot be operated independently. This having
been said, a digital pin can be connected to jumper 13 in figure 1 (the pin nearest to the corner) to control the
LEDs. The LEDs are active high, which means you can turn them all on by providing a logic high or '1' and turn
them all off by providing a logic low or '0'.