
very simple. I decided to make a printed circuit board on
which to mount them. The PCB layout was created using
the free version of Eagle ( and the
assembled board is shown in Figure 4. The Eagle schemat-
ic and layout files are available from the Nuts & Volts FTP
site (
To keep the size down, the battery clip for the CR2032
and the headphone socket are mounted on the opposite
side of the switches, PIC, and capacitors. I also used SMD
components for the PIC and capacitors. Note that you may
have to modify the layout to allow for different battery clip
or headphone socket designs.
Because the switches are pin-in-hole devices, this
meant that (on my single-sided PCB) I had to solder them
on the “wrong” side of the board. For a production
design, it would be much better to design a double-sided
PCB, with the added benefit of avoiding the need for any
Some colored beads to differentiate the buttons, a
graphic, and a coat of silver paint complete the remote
(Figure 5). With it attached to your recorder, the remote
lets you put your recorder somewhere safe — even leaving
it in its protective case — with the remote on hand to
control it.
Happy listening! NV
PIC-Based Archos Remote
P.O. Box 3000 • Sausalito, CA 94966
Please rush FREE details immediately!
City State Zip
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The parts are all very easily sourced from vendors such
as Digi-Key, Newark InOne (formerly Newark Electronics),
and Future Electronics.Watch out for minimum quantities of
the low power PIC12LC508A. Newark InOne sells single
S1-S6 Single-pole, single-throw push to close switch
IC1 PIC12LC508A microcontroller
C1 0.1 µF ceramic SMD capacitor
C2 10 µF ceramic SMD capacitor
X1 Three pole, 3.5 mm stereo jack socket (switched or
Four pole, 3.5 mm stereo jack plug
Battery holder for CR2032 coin cell
Parts List
Steve Russell started his working life as a hardware
design engineer. Somewhere along the way, he was seduced
by computers and began designing subsystems of various
types for them, working for a multi-national computer
company. Much later — after a spell in development
management — he decided that salespeople needed his
help and so he moved into technical marketing, but he
still misses the baleful green glow of an oscilloscope in a
darkened lab, late at night.
About the Author
MAY 2004
Circle #95 on the Reader Service Card.