
Chapter 12. Plugins 112
Rockboy is a Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for Rockbox based on
the gnuboy emulator. To start a game, open a ROM file saved as .gb or .gbc in the file
Default keys
Key Action
Up / Down
Left / Right
Direction keys
F1 A button
F2 B button
F3 Start
Play Select
On Cycle display scaling modes
Off Open Rockboy menu
Rockboy menu
Load Game. . . Loads a previously saved game.
Save Game. . . Saves your current state.
Options. . . Max Frameskip. Change frameskip setting to improve speed.
Sound. Toggle sound on or off.
Stats. Toggle showing fps and current frameskip.
Set Keys (BUGGY) Select this option to set a new keymapping.
Reset. Resets the Emulator.
Quit RockBoy. Quits the Rockboy plugin.
12.3.6. Search
This plugin can be used on playlists. It searches through the playlist that it opened on
looking for any occurrences of the string entered by the user. The results of this search
are saved to a new playlist, search_results.m3u, within the same directory as the
original playlist.
12.3.7. Shopper
Shopper is a shopping list plugin which allows you to maintain reusable shopping lists.
The Rockbox manual (version rUnversioned directory-150515) Archos Recorder