
Chapter 4. Browsing and playing 35
By using the Playlist catalogue
The Playlist catalogue makes it possible to modify and create playlists that are
not currently playing. To do this select Playlist catalogue in the Context Menu.
There you will have two choices, Add to playlist adds the selected track or directory
to an existing playlist and Add to a new playlist creates a new playlist containing
the selected track or directory.
Note: All playlists in the Playlist catalogue are stored by default in the /Playlists
directory in the root of your player’s disk and playlists stored in other locations are not
included in the catalogue. It is however possible to move existing playlists there (see
section 4.1.2 (page 22)).
By using the Main Menu
To create a playlist containing all music on your player, you can use the Create
Playlist command in the Playlists menu found in the Main Menu. The created
playlist will be named root.m3u8 and saved in the root of your player’s disk.
4.5.3. Adding music to playlists
Adding music to a dynamic playlist
Figure 4.7.: The Playlist Submenu
The Playlist Submenu is a submenu in the Context Menu (see section 4.1.2 (page 22)),
it allows you to put tracks into a “dynamic playlist”. If there is no music currently play-
ing, Rockbox will create a new dynamic playlist and put the selected track(s) into it.
If there is music currently playing, Rockbox will put the selected track(s) into the cur-
rent playlist. The place in which the newly selected tracks are added to the playlist is
determined by the following options:
Insert. Add track(s) immediately after any tracks added via the most recent Insert
operation. If no tracks have yet been added via an Insert, new tracks will be
added immediately after the current playing track. If playback is stopped a new
dynamic playlist will get created with the selected tracks.
Insert Next. Add track(s) immediately after current playing track, no matter what else
has been inserted.
The Rockbox manual (version rUnversioned directory-150515) Archos Recorder